Marriage bonds were usually posted in the bride’s home county and can indicate the general time of a marriage. The bond is usually signed by the groom and a bondsman who was often a relative of the bride. The bondsman may have been her father, or if he were deceased or otherwise unable to sign, the bondsman may have been her brother, another family member, guardian, etc. A consent was needed when one of the parties was underage and the consent document may specifically indicate a family relationship. The original signatures and marks on these marriage bonds and consents can also provide valuable research clues.
These CDs contain the known marriage bonds that have been collected and filed together at the courthouse in Franklin, WV for the years shown. A number of the original bonds are no longer in the courthouse. Some were given to family members, some are in a “loose paper” collection in Morgantown and some others, found in a private collection, were published by Marsha Fuller.
Each disc contains a complete table of contents where German script signatures are underlined. Many of the surnames listed below use a standardized spelling to help with identification. The spelling of those surnames may vary greatly in the documents. Some files include marriage bond only. Other files (*) include marriage bond and also a consent or other additional document.
Discs are $15.00 each. Shipping is now free for books and discs for orders in the continental U.S. Please contact for shipping prices for orders outside of the continental U.S. Contents of discs are also avalable on USB flash drive. Contact if this format is desired.
For PayPal purchase, click on the "Add to Cart" button to be taken to the secure PayPal checkout. For purchase by mail, print the order form and send it with your check or money order to the address at the bottom of this page.
DISC 1 1791-1803
001 Jacob Eberman & Charlote Watts*
002 George Dice & Catherine Ruleman
003 Philip Grogg & Flora Crummet*
004 Conrad Varner & Mary Awe [Eye]*
005 John Miller & Elizabeth Loch [Lough]*
006 Thomas Davis & Prescilla Pennington*
007 Henry Armacost [Arbogast] & Sophia Wades*
008 Steward Slavens & Isabel Johnson*
009 John Conrad & Sarah Davis
010 Thomas Douglas & Rachel Botkin*
011 Jacob Sites & Margaret Lough
012 John Botkin & Mary Moore*
013 Richard Willson & Catharine Coyle
014 Daniel Neal & Rachel Moore*
015 James Douglass & Mary Erwin*
016 John Moates & Elizabeth Pitsenbarger
017 George Moates & Eve Stone
018 Christian Stone & Mary Smith
019 Henry Awe [Eye] & Mary Propst
020 John Conrad & Barbara Warnsturf*
021 Justus Roolman [Ruleman] & Elizabeth Dice
022 Adam Peterson & Susannah Miller*
023 Henry Warnsturf & Sarah Evick*
024 Michael Harpole & Mary Dunkle*
025 John Harholt & Margaret Crumet
026 George Propst & Apoline Awe
027 William Gamble & Jane McCoy*
028 Lewis Stults & Barbara Wilfong*
029 Basil Day & unk (incomplete)
030 Charles Briggs & Susannah Harper*
031 Lewis Warnsturf & Mary Fisher
032 James Burke & Sophia Chesnut
033 Jacob Propst & Rachael Crumet
034 Michael Tingler & Mary Miller*
035 George Vandevinter & Susannah Peninger*
036 Joel Wood & Elizabeth Miller*
037 Oliver McCoy & Margreat [sic] Johnson
038 Joseph McCartney & Polly Green*
039 Adam Lightner & Susannah Harper
040 Isaac Washburn & Emelia Roy*
041 William Smith & Priscilla Wilson*
042 Joseph Bennett & Phebey Cunningham*
043 Martin Life & Elizabeth Fleisher
044 Jacob Wilfong & Regena Varner*
045 Kimble & Miller (incomplete)
046 Adam Coonrad & Abagail Smith
047 Jacob Hoover Jnr. & Susanna Snider
048 James Allen & Franey Tieter [Teter]
049 John Propst & Mary Haviner [Heavner]
050 George Awe [Eye] & Elizabeth Snyder*
051 John Murphy & Anna unk
DISC 2 1804-1806
052 Roger Dyer & Ruth Dyer
053 William Tharp & Ann Rosanna Moungold [Mongold]
054 Jacob Shrader & Mary Simmon
055 George Shoulders & Mary M'Cally
056 Christopher Shaver & Mary Warnsturf
057 Daniel Given & Elizabeth Cimble [Kimble]
058 Jacob Shobe & Mary Bush
059 William Jordan & Anna Canary
060 Martin Moyers & Sarah Hammer
061 George Mowry & Elizabeth Puffenberger
062 Robert Crawford & Sarah Stephenson*
063 George Sevey & Elizabeth Hoover
064 John Smith & Mary Rool [Rule]*
065 William Dice & Eve Mallo
066 Samuel Hall & Elizabeth Owens
067 John Blagg & Catharine Hoover*
068 John Goddard & Mary Lance [Lantz]
069 Daniel Propst & Elizabeth How [Au, Eye]*
070 John Britton & Bridget Hannigin
071 John Wise & Sarah Peterson*
072 John Lunsfort & Susanna Arbogast*
073 Michael Karr [Carr] & Mary Hagler
074 John Clark & Elizabeth Gall
075 James M'Clure [McClure] & Mary Harper
076 Joseph Garnes & Mary Killingsworth*
077 John Griffith & Margaret Beathe
078 William Armstrong & Mary Pirret
079 Michl. Props & Mary Rexrode
080 Michael M'Gloughlin & C. Simmon
081 John Peninger Jnr. & Sarah Bott
082 Thomas Kinkead & Susan Hull
083 Michael Harholt Jr. & Catharine Varner
084 William Wilson & Mary Welch*
085 Loftus Pullins & Nancy Smith*
086 Adam Helmick & Hannah Teeter
087 John Lough & Hannah Smith*
088 John Samples & Nancy Turnbull
089 Michael Huffman & Susanna Summers
090 Jacob Snider & Catherine Hoover
091 Daniel Miller & Esther Kisemore
092 George Cleek & Catharine Peck*
093 Philip Myers & Chris Simon
094 Leonard Simon & Polly Mefferd
095 Henry Coil & Susannah Colip
096 George Simmon & Mary Wimert
097 William Sims & Margaret Gamble*
098 John Flesher & Mary Seybert
099 Lockridge & unk
100 Henry Simmon Jnr & Catharine Snider
101 Saul Peterson & Mary Wise*
102 Jacob Hinkle & unk (incomplete)
103 Michael Simmon & unk (incomplete)
104 Jacob Clayton & unk (incomplete)
105 John Jupp & E. Wilson
106 George Mallow & Cath. Bush
107 Henry Coonrod & Levina ___
108 Daniel Mouse & Barbara Wise*
109 Daniel Coonrod & Peggy Shields*
110 Andrew Harholt & Barbara Rexrode
111 John Halterman & unk (incomplete)
112 Jonathan Hacker & Hannah Bennett
113 John Hardweg [Hartwig] & Susanna Hays
114 John Sitlington & Barbara Hull*
115 Henry Harper & unk
116 William Hoover & Barbara Propst*
117 William Baker & Susanna Vandeventer
118 James Bodkin & Mary McCray*
DISC 3 1807-1818
119 Jacob Armentrout & Margaret Rexrode
120 John Fichthorn & Mary Hagler*
121 John Havner & Ruth Keister
122 Elijah Pritt & [Elizabeth Pritt] (incomplete)*
123 Isaac Smith & Catharine Hoover
124 John Lamb & Mary Simmon
125 Benjamin Lantz & Jemima Cunningham
126 Samuel Rexrode & unk (incomplete)
127 Paulser Shaver & Ann Christena Mitchel (incomplete)
128 Jacob Heavener & [Molly Stone] (incomplete)
129 John Smith & unk (incomplete)
130 George Poffenbarger [Puffenbarger] & unk (incomplete)
131 Henry Waggoner & Barbara Lantz
132 Samuel Hawk & Eve Tarr
133 Peter Smith & Barbara Lough
134 Daniel Sites & Eve Lough
135 James Johns & Jane Vint*
136 James Burnett & [Frany Colep] (incomplete)*
136a Thomas Burgoyne & unk (incomplete)
137 Martin Judy & unk (incomplete)
138 Samuel Life & [Anny Wibright] (incomplete)*
139 Abraham Ekert & [Sarah Feent] (incomplete)*
140 Solomon Borer & unk (incomplete)
141 John Gall & unk (incomplete)
142 Jacob Varner & unk (incomplete)
143 Philip Ekert & Susanna Simmon*
144 John Maricle & Mary Helmick*
145 Henry Fleisher & Hannah Jones
146 William Johnston & Eve Penington
147 Peter Baldwin & Sarah Johns*
148 Henry Amick Jr. & Elizabeth Shroyers
149 John Hover & Sarah Harholt
150 John Tingler & Phebe Dolly
151 Thomas Harrison & Mary Mumbert
152 Mathias Mick & Mary Lambert*
153 Michael Peck & Mary Harholt
154 James Davis & Anna Mumbert
155 William Benson & Elizabeth Trimble
156 William Mathany & Jane Grim
157 Robert Karr & Ann Eliza Annoncost*
158 Jacob Rexrode & unk (incomplete)
159 Thomas Leisure & Elizabeth Jordan*
160 Henry Wimer & unk (incomplete)
161 Joshua Harmon & Susanna Dice
162 Moses Teter & unk (incomplete)
163 Charles Hamilton & Catharine Capito
164 Elias Stump & unk (incomplete)
165 George Mullineax & Elizabeth Lambert
166 John Long & unk (incomplete)
166a Daniel Arbogast & unk (incomplete)
167 George Swadly & Barbara Penninger
168 Jonathan Shirk & Elizabeth Dox
169 Andrew Bird & Elizabeth Capito
170 Jacob Hevner & Cathrine Turner
171 Jacob Gum & Isabella Cunningham
172 Elijah Bennet & Barbara Bible
173 Adam Shirk & Ann Docks
174 Jacob Weimer & unk (incomplete)*
175 John Mumbert & Mary Hiser
176 Robert Phares & Susanna Wimer
177 George Bodkin & Margaret Johns*
178 John Hetherington & Jane Coffman
179 William Light & unk (incomplete)
180 William Life & Sarah Dahmer (consent only)
DISC 4 1819-1820
181 James Jeffries & Phebe King
182 Jacob Miller & Eve Harper
183 John Fisher & Elizabeth Ingmire
183a John Hoover & Mary Hoover
184 Henry Simmons Jr. & Rachel Simmons
185 Benjamin Wilson & Mary Ann Shortle
186 Nathaniel Strawder & Rebecca Pharis
187 Thomas Bland & Patsy Cunningham*
188 William Malony & Mary Airs
189 Jacob Wilfong Jr. & Maryan Wilfong
190 Jacob Waggoner & Elizabeth Dickenson
191 Adam Miller & Mary Hammer
192 Jacob Dean & Judah Cock*
193 Nicholas Harper & Susanna Skidmore
194 William Summers & Eliza Eagle
195 Robert Dixon & Nancy Jack*
196 Moses Arbogast & Elizabeth Zickefoose
197 Thomas Smith & Margaret Morten*
198 Christian Props & Barbara Eye*
199 Jacob Wise & Margaret Mumford
200 Michael Mallow & Elizabeth Harper
201 Samuel Wilson & Jane Armstrong
202 John Hottenger & Mary Feezle*
203 Robert Boyd & Cecelia Methany*
204 Lofftus Pullin & Fanny Hammer
205 William Nicholas & unk
206 Joseph Arbogast & Sarah Ketterman
207 Sylvanus Likens & unk (incomplete)
208 George Harper & Margaret Wimer
209 Henry Stumbaugh & Eve Wise
210 Henry Seybert & Edith Gum
211 Edmund Flinn & Elizabeth Cassle
212 John Baker & Elizabeth Kisamore
213 Jacob Propst & Esther Waggoner
214 William Reed & Catharine Waggoner
215 John Wooddell & Polly Slaven*
216 Henry Kahlar & Susannah Simmon
217 William Shreve & Sarah Crane
218 Anthony W. Taylor & Malinda Trumbo
219 Henry Grogg & Cathrine Smith
220 Jacob Teaford & Sophia Snider
221 Jacob Jack & Esther Siron
222 George Graham & Frances Devericks*
223 Christian Snider & Rachel Hahrolt
224 John Horless & Cathrine Hartman
225 William Cunningham & Elizabeth Smith
226 Adam Miller & Barbara Propst*
227 Adam Vandevender & Elizabeth Trumbo
228 John Dolly & Susanna Bouse
229 Samuel Wilson & Sarah Morton
230 Philip Casner & Mary Heffner
231 Peter Pitsenberger & Elizabeth Amick
232 Simeon Harter & Elizabeth Hefner
233 Moses Stone & Elizabeth Siron (incomplete)*
234 Henry Stone & Mary Wilfong (incomplete)
235 John Snider & Barbara Winebright (incomplete)
236 Robert Davis & Cinthia Gamble
237 George Full & Margaret Judy
238 Jared Armstrong & Martha Wilson
239 George Woods & Elizabeth Roby*
Discs are $15.00 each. Shipping is now free for books and discs for orders in the continental U.S. Please contact for shipping prices for orders outside of the continental U.S. Contents of discs are also avalable on USB flash drive. Contact if this format is desired.
To order via postal mail, send order form along with check or money order to:
Eric Hedrick
1721 Evergreen Dr.
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
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